Theme Classes

"And the people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to play".
Exodus 32:6

Who is Leslie?
Cuisine Bonanza
Theme Classes
Personal Classes
Made 2 Order


bulletThe Cocktail Party
bulletSomething Fishy Going On
bulletVegetarian Starter Kit
bulletJust Desserts
bulletCooking for Coeliacs

The course fee includes hands-on instruction and take-home recipes.


Cooking on boats takes special skills. Space is limited, time is short, and people are demanding. Leslie will give you the skills necessary to produce everything from fast, tasty food to elegant dinners. Special attention is paid to:

bulletKitchen organization.
bulletMenu planning. 

This course includes introductions to and special lectures from vendors.

The Cocktail Party

Learn the secret of how to be the perfect host(ess) and still have a good time! Topics include:

bulletHow to avoid the rush hour: planning.
bulletHot and cold hors-d'oeuvres.
bulletThe classic cocktail bar.


Learn how to create beautiful buffets for large or small parties. Serve elegant yet easy dishes that please the eye as well as the stomach. Topics include:

bulletPlanning for timing, quantity and variety.
bulletDishes for brunch , lunch and dinner.
bulletFood for Formal and relaxed parties.

Something Fishy Going On

Everything you wanted to know about fish but were afraid to ask! This course covers:

bulletShopping for fish and shellfish: how to choose them, tell if they are fresh, then clean and store them once you get home.
bulletDifferent strokes for different folks: how to cook your seafood (poached, sautéd, en papillote,...).
bulletPractice makes perfect: preparation of three fish dishes (appetizer, starter, main course) according to the market.

Vegetarian Starter Kit

Some people do it for the animals, some people do it for their health, but whatever your reason, vegetarian cooking is a fun and creative alternative cuisine. This course covers everything you need to know to convert vegetables into delicious food:

bulletSelecting seasonal ingredients.
bulletNutritional balance.
bulletHow do I create a meal without meat? Tasty replacements.  
bulletPresentation and aesthetics: say no to green lentil sludge!

Just Desserts

Sweets for my sweet, sugar for my honey...this course covers:

bulletThe making of pastry

and three of the following classic desserts:

bulletTarte tartin.
bulletCreme brulée.
bulletCoeur a la creme.
bulletLemon tart.
bulletFlourless chocolate cake.

Cooking for Coeliacs

Are you a coeliac? It can be hard to get the ingredients you need and to cook them well. Do any of the following questions sound familiar?

bulletWhat can I eat if I am coeliac?
bulletWhere can I buy good gluten-free ingredients?
bulletIt is hard to cook with gluten-free ingredients. How can I eat well while staying healthy?
bulletI miss pizza/pasta/sponge cake. How do I cook gluten-free versions that taste great?

This course will answer these questions and more.

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2001 Playing With Food
Last modified: February 06, 2088